
SCOPA members are committed to ensuring the highest possible standards of safety, hygiene and quality of the oils and fats they supply to the food industry.

By using a SCOPA approved Haulier, companies can be confident that each tanker is dedicated to foodstuffs only; meets a strict set of key criteria; that the driver is conversant with the SCOPA Code of Practice for the Transport of Edible Oils and Fats and that a full and accurate record is kept of every load transported in each SCOPA approved tanker.

Each SCOPA approved haulier is audited every 12 months to ensure that they are following the Code of Practice stringently. A list of all SCOPA approved hauliers and the date their Certificate of Approval expires is below:

Haulier (in alphabetical order) Certificate of Approval expiry date
Abbey Logistics Group
30th June 2025
30th June 2025
30th September 2024
MB Logistics (NW)
31st July 2025
SLD Logistics
30th November 2024
SPB Transport
31st August 2025
Sahib Haulage
30th November 2025
Turners (Soham) Ltd, Norwich
31st October 2025
Turners (Soham) Ltd, Liverpool
31st December 2025
31st October 2024
Woodside Tankfreight
30th November 2025


SCOPA Positions

SCOPA Statement on Clay Pigeon Shooting

SCOPA Statement on Sustainable Palm Oil

ILUC (Indirect Land Use Change) UK Industry Response

FEDIOL Codes of Practice

SCOPA is a member of FEDIOL, the European Industry body.  FEDIOL in conjunction with its National Associations, has produced several Codes of Practice and recommendations, which provide principles for producing safe and high quality products:

FEDIOL Positions

FEDIOL Press Releases

FEDIOL Codes of Practice

FEDIOL Specifications

FEDIOL Membership of EFISC